Daily order limit for our store
Daily order limit for our store
To ensure every order receives the care and attention it deserves, I will be limiting the number of orders I accept each day. As a small business with no employees, this helps me pack and ship your goodies promptly while maintaining the quality you love. Thanks for your understanding and support!
What to expect:
If the store order limit has been reached for the day, you will be met by a pop-up which lets you know that no more orders can be placed on this date.
How many orders will you accept per day?
I'll be accepting between 5-10 orders per day, depending on the day of the week. Did you know that packing 20 orders takes me about 9 hours? That is exactly... one sleepless night, in toddler mom terms :-).
Will this mean faster ship times?
YES, that is the plan!
What time of day will the order limit reset?
The order quantity tracker resets at 12AM Pacific Standard Time nightly.
Why don't you just expand your team?
So many reasons. Ethics of foraging ... quality of product from harvest, to recipe, to packing each order with love and care... quality of customer service. I am consciously choosing to stay small.
When I read the book "The Lorax" to my little ones, I think to myself "May I Never Be the Once-ler!".
Here's to not becoming the Once-ler.
More questions? Send me a message!
I'm always available at sarah@kootenaywildcrafting.ca.